Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Miss the chance

Have you face this before?
One day, your friend want to leave 
But you miss the chance to say good bye to your friend?

Monday morning, I just waked up late and I missed the chance to say good bye to my friend
Although I will see my friend next times 
But I had a sense of loss...
I felt sad... Because I just hoped that when I opened the door I can saw he still sitting there
And still able t say good bye
But what I saw just a empty and dark living room... No one there...
All the thing had take away... No vestige...
Just like he never come before

That night I wished to spend time with him
I planned to take a nap then wake up
But because of so tired I just keep sleeping until morning
And I just lazy to wake up and keep laying on my bed
Then I missed the chance to farewell...

If I wont see my friend anymore and I missed the chance to say good bye 
I will feel regret so much
Although this times is not same with this situation 
But I just asked myself is it worth missed the chance to farewell because of sleeping?  
I know I shouldnt look it seriously 
But just feel not resigned...

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