There is another story start on my life and make my life more colorful and meaningful
The story is a girl become an organizing committee president( OCP)
That's me.. Currently take position in OCP for YES Conference...
I still remember during my sems break last year, November
That time open application to all AIESECer...
But only me and one of my friend submitted the form
What I feel or why I applied for OCP??
The me that time is I think need to learn more and improve myself
Try to get opportunity that in front of me and dont miss this chances
I started fill the form in AIESEC house
The day before went to Johor
On the way inside the bus,
I just keep thinking the question that I havent answer
I still remember that time I submitted my form at Starbucks, Jusco, Johor
That time is the day before Pre-MyLDS
ans also the last day of the application
So excited...
However, during the second day of Pre-MyLDS if i not mistaken
I was super nervous..
That night have a interview for OCP
When I waiting outside the door...
I just tried to cool down myself and took a depth depth breath and went inside
During that interview,
there had three interviewers and two observers
I not felt nervous anymore because the interviewers were kind
I still remember one feedback of my interview.
I took too much time to think... LOL
One day in MyLDS
My big boss, Nicholas, he want to meet me
He told me OCP responsible and what thing have to bare in mind
What challenge a OCP will face
He just ask whether Im ready to take this responsible or not
Just give me some time to think
During the MyLDS is on going,
I never worry this question
Perhaps that time I already made the decision
I want it
Lunch time I need to give the answer
That time I just faced in front and say YES with Nicholas
The way I said it out is just like
A bride say I do in front of God, priest, bridegroom, relatives and friends
witness and keep the promise
The feeling is so strong and sure that I want it
A smile just appear on my face and cant hide it..=)
I always remember what I wrote in the application form
Every time I am the one who enjoy a conference,
is time for me to process it.
I want to lead a team to organize it successfully
Conference is just a result, I never know how best is it if I not the one organize it
This is what I wrote inside the form
Conference just like a cake
Organizing a conference is the process for you to make a cake
You need to prepare well all the material
How to mix the flour, water, egg and sugar?
How to allocate the rate in mixing the material
What is the flovouring and decoration that you want
How the looking and the taste of the cake is depend on the making of the cake
You want people feel your heart when they try your cake,
know how much effort you put on the cake
You have to keep the passion, do your best and keep try error
My goal is become a good baker and I wish to open a bakery house in future
This is a good opportunity for me to practice and become a good baker
Thats it why I never give up and keep passion on it
Perhaps one day you will feel failure or low motivation
But the spirit is till there and wont die
That period is just the time you bare in mind that
you want it badly and cant give up just because you face some obstacles that you need to cross over
" If you're walking down the right part and you're willing to keep walking,
eventually you'll make the progress."
This is the quote that I always see below the application form
What is the quote that I always believe now?
"Faith is taking the first step even when you dont see the whole staircase." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is the faith I always keep in mind..=)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 6: A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
I think quite long for this topic
An animal I love to keep as a pet
Before I chose dog as my pet, I chose dolphin as my pet
But I still more prefer little dog as my pet...=)
I love dog so much and I just scare about sometime
I never have any pet before...
My home just have fishes and bird
My mum just not allow to have a dog because hard to take care
And also in my family, my dad, me and my sister
Our noses is very sensitive
so not animal with fur allowed in house
and no teddy bear or dolls with fur in my room
I just hope someday I can have a dog as my pet
What kind of dog I love
Let's see
Da lahhhh....
Is golden retriever
Dog just can be partner with human
They can swim, show the way the person who blind, gather all the goats in a firm
they also very talent in learning
Have you heard some stories that dog save people?
Thats really awesome
Try to imagine every day in the morning
Your dog can help you wake up
when you go back home they help you get the slipper
Feel good when a dog help you a favour
Sometimes dog just smarter and more attentive
Sometime when people sick they also can take care us...=)
When you feel sad
Of course you can express you feeling to a dog
Sometimes they can be good listener
Any secret or story you can just tell them
You wont know whether actually they can understand or not
But they just willing to listen and stay beside you
Sometime dog just so cute
They can open refrigerator themselves
when they hungry they just wait in front they bowl and plate
Just tell you that "Time to feed me now">.<
Sometime dog also very gluttonous
They will pop their head on the table or hide under the table
Just hope you can share some food with them
Life with dog also very happy
You can jogging with them in the evening
You help them bath to keep clean
Just play with them
When you see they sad or bore
You will try to ask the dog why you feel sad
Just like talk to a person
But different is they cant tell us
However, someday they perhaps they will be missing or leaving us
May be they kidnapped or lost someway( but impossible lost because they can find back their own)
Or may be they feel is time they need to leave us
So, they hide themselves and waiting to leave this world
They just dont want us to see they die...
Dog is a peer of human..=)
This is what I believe
Friday, March 25, 2011
Promise hide a mis inside
Am I over trust a person?
The one I told them I wont have a secret and I think I can share because I trust them
However, others people secret I wont tell others
I always keep my promise to the one who willing to told me
Because they trust me
This is the faith I always believe and keep it
Promise always very important for me
When third party ask me
" Do you tell anyone else"
That time I try to think and think very hard, again and again
" Who else I told them?"
And I surely answer the third party
"No one"
The one I told them I wont have a secret and I think I can share because I trust them
However, others people secret I wont tell others
I always keep my promise to the one who willing to told me
Because they trust me
This is the faith I always believe and keep it
Promise always very important for me
When third party ask me
" Do you tell anyone else"
That time I try to think and think very hard, again and again
" Who else I told them?"
And I surely answer the third party
"No one"
The moment the third party told me that the one who tell them is
The one who I not aware on
The one I truly believe in
I quite a bit shocked
Suddenly I think that am I over trust a person
Is it I dont have any awareness to the person that I think I close with?
The one who ask me to keep the secret is the one who tell my stuff to others
How fool I am...
I dont blame anyone but I blame myself
Not because I over trust a person
Is because I make the misunderstanding become deeper
I make the conflict among them become deeper
That's my fault
All the time I try to convince them to try to know more about each other
I just hope that they change their perspective to the person and can getting better
But I did a thing that just make the situation become worse
At the same time, I just hurt a innocent person that didnt know anything
The person shouldnt involve in this conflict
I might be make others misunderstanding the person who innocent
I feel guilty...
I feel sorry to the person who dont know I hurt him or her
Believe really hide a lie inside there
Promise also hide a mis inside
I should aware on it
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 5: A picture of something I want to do before I die
This is what I want to do before I die
This is called sugar cube
Sugar Cube is a message that you wish to tell someone
Just write it on a piece of paper and put inside an envelope
I want to write it to my family, friend and the one I love
Of course, I will say how much I love them
And I not going to hide from them that I want to die soon
Because that's is the most selfish thing in my life
I can say:" I love you" to all of them
But if I hide it and they no chance to tell me what they wish to tell me
How cruel to them..>.<
The last moment in my life
I think have much more thing I wish to say
Perhaps something I dont dare to speak
Before I die, I will say it our no matter what.
I never tell my family especially my parent I love them
But I wish to tell them I really love them so much
I still remember when I arrived airport at Sandakan after half year I didnt go back
There were so many students who study far away came back to celebrate new year
When I saw my mum, my mum just put up my shoulder and help me to carry my luggage
And she told me when she's waiting me, she saw a girl just hug her mum when she saw her mum
I can imagined how touch the picture is...
But I just did nothing.. Should I felt guilty that time?
However, my mind clearly know that I love them...
Beside that, my best friends
Perhaps I dont have treat you all well but I hope my friends will still remember me after I die
June, perhaps I will go shopping with you
Because you always complain I wont shopping with you
And I promise that time I wont spoil your shopping mood..LOL
And the last one is the person that I love
Guess what I missed several chance to tell a guy that I like him since long time ago
Me, as a girl will think girl is not suppose to say out my love
I should wait the boy to say it to me
Beside that, huge courage is needed
But waiting, waiting and waiting... I missed the chance
I always just can have a crush on someone
I can only looking him quietly but I cant say out I like him
Perhaps when I'm going to die, I will say it out
How fool am I..LOL
Sugar Cube represent what I gonna to say to them
A long long stories from the beginning I know them until now
I will able to flash back every single moment I be with them
Happy, sad, angry etc
When I die, a smile will put on my face..=)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day 4: My favorite photograph of my best friend
This is my favorite picture...=)
From left to right is Me, Pui Shan, Wing Kei, Suk Kuen and Nyek Fong
This pictures took during Form 5
We need to do "Amali" for Pendidikan Moral
Therefore, we went to Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Center cleaning up the environment there
This is not the last pictures we all take together..
The last time we 5 all took pictures together is in 2009 before I went to Labuan to continue my study
We went a shop and took many 大头贴
Too bad I didnt bring it to Penang...
After Form 5, we all go different direction...
Six years friendship past so fast...
Last year, three of them had serious big quarrel and one of them had leave out our friendship
Although now I seldom contact with her but I still admitted she is my best friend
I hope one day, we still can smile and talk with each other when we have chance to meet up
Still remember during high school,
we all usually go tuition together, climbing a hill to reach the tuition place
Every time we will celebrate who birthday together
During exam, We had cheated together before
We hang out, study and only 5 of us take BC in SPM
I still remember that time, I and one of my best friend, Suk Kuen promised with each other
If we still single in the future, then we both buy a house and live together at the rest of life
We promised become “老姑婆” together..LOL
However, now they all have their own partner
Only me still single...
Even though now when they want to celebrate their birthday, they prefer to celebrate with their boyfriend that day
This is the reality...
Perhaps one day we still can hang out together although now we go different way
I wish this picture is not the last picture we took together..=)
Day 3: My Idea of Prefect First Date
Day 3: My idea of prefect first date
So interesting topic.. =P
So many imagination inside my mind..LOL
If I want to go out with the boy I like
Perhaps we still not in boy girl relationship
But I believe after the first date
We become closer and start our love journey
Prefect First Date ❤
I would like to go Genting one day
I want to take a long journey to Genting by bus with him
On the way, we can chat happily, talking about what we want to do for whole day
So exciting...
One thing I must bring is my camera
I want to take many many pictures between both of us
After reached Genting theme park
we start play outdoor games
Play pirate ship, visit ghost house, merry-go-ground, roller coaster etc
After played in Genting,
We can go to the zoo or aquarium
Watching animals and little fishes
Before we go for dinner,
We go to photo studio
Take photo with him?
No, I want to print all the pictures that I took...=)
During dinner, we can share the happiness for the whole day
At night, I want to go to beach.
We can sit beside the sea
Watching star and listening the sound of wave
We just sit there quietly, no need to talk much
First date is always the most memorable day
No need any surprise
Just enjoy the first moment we are holding our hands together..=)
So interesting topic.. =P
So many imagination inside my mind..LOL
If I want to go out with the boy I like
Perhaps we still not in boy girl relationship
But I believe after the first date
We become closer and start our love journey
Prefect First Date ❤
I would like to go Genting one day
I want to take a long journey to Genting by bus with him
On the way, we can chat happily, talking about what we want to do for whole day
So exciting...
One thing I must bring is my camera
I want to take many many pictures between both of us
After reached Genting theme park
we start play outdoor games
Play pirate ship, visit ghost house, merry-go-ground, roller coaster etc
After played in Genting,
We can go to the zoo or aquarium
Watching animals and little fishes
Before we go for dinner,
We go to photo studio
Take photo with him?
No, I want to print all the pictures that I took...=)
During dinner, we can share the happiness for the whole day
At night, I want to go to beach.
We can sit beside the sea
Watching star and listening the sound of wave
We just sit there quietly, no need to talk much
First date is always the most memorable day
No need any surprise
Just enjoy the first moment we are holding our hands together..=)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Day 2: My Favorite Movie
Talk about movie, I really watched a lot of movie.
The type of movie that I like something thriller or science etc.
The movie that can attract me the most to watch is Vampire or fantastic that not exist in reality
Sound weird right...=)
Seriously, I doesnt have any special favorite movie.
So. I post this late.
This movie is so touched. I recommend you all watch this movie
Must watch!!
I just know the chinese name for this movie: 我的女友是机器人
Sorry for that...
I watched this movie when Im studying matriculation
And I didnt know why I accidentally downloaded this movie
Then I just watched it alone in my room
The guy in this movie is really a noob
He just met this robot girl and live with her...
At the end, he fall in love with her
However, what make him so sad is he fall in love with a robot which is no heart
When you fall in love with someone,
But when you tell in front him or her:" I love you"
However, him or her doesnt feel anything
He or she just watching at you.
How pain the feeling is...
Although the robot girl is not heart but she sacrifice herself to save the boy in the end.
So, dont forget to watch this movie when you have chance...=)
Must watch!! Must watch!!
The type of movie that I like something thriller or science etc.
The movie that can attract me the most to watch is Vampire or fantastic that not exist in reality
Sound weird right...=)
Seriously, I doesnt have any special favorite movie.
So. I post this late.
This movie is so touched. I recommend you all watch this movie
Must watch!!
I just know the chinese name for this movie: 我的女友是机器人
Sorry for that...
I watched this movie when Im studying matriculation
And I didnt know why I accidentally downloaded this movie
Then I just watched it alone in my room
The guy in this movie is really a noob
He just met this robot girl and live with her...
At the end, he fall in love with her
However, what make him so sad is he fall in love with a robot which is no heart
When you fall in love with someone,
But when you tell in front him or her:" I love you"
However, him or her doesnt feel anything
He or she just watching at you.
How pain the feeling is...
Although the robot girl is not heart but she sacrifice herself to save the boy in the end.
Humorous and romantic story
The story still fresh in my mind now.
So, dont forget to watch this movie when you have chance...=)
Must watch!! Must watch!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Day 1: My Favourite Song
When I saw this topic, I keep thinking which song is my favourite song
I like to listen song when Im doing my stuff, assignment or even studying.
No matter old song and latest song in mandrain, cantonese or english.
Sometimes different mood I would like to pick some special song to listen
But that part I would like to share on day 8..=)
After think deeply, I finally chose two songs that I like very much
"This Is Me" and " Someone watching over me"
Feel free to listen these songs..=)
This Is Me- Demi Lovato

That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way
This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you
I start listen this song since my Matriculation life ( one year ago)
I found this song in acoustic version in my best friend, June's phone
I like the acoustic version, it really touching me...
( I never watch the MV of this song before)
From my point of view,
This song is illustrate a quiet girl who not dare to voice up
One day, she just stand in front of people and say out who is her
She tell her dream to their with her strong courage and confidient
This song have sing out the voice inside her heart
And she find back herself at the end....
I like to this song because I think Im very quiet girl before ( Now sometimes also quite quiet)
No confident and no dare to voice up
This song inspire me to stand in front of people and say out my opinions
Another song is "Someone watching me"
This song is illustrate a girl who find back herself
She follow her heart and work hard to achieve her dream
There is a faith inside her heart and never give up
Go and check out the lyric
So impress me too...
There is something related within these two songs
If you always follow my blog,
You will realized that there is "Just listen" on the right hand side of my blog
It is playing my favourite songs..=)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
day 1 : your favorite song
day 2 : your favorite movie
day 3 : your idea for perfect first date
day 4 : your favorite photograph of your best friend
day 5 : a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 6 : a photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
day 7 : your dream wedding
day 8 : a song that match your mood
day 9 : a photo of the item you last purchased
day 10 : a photo of your favorite place to eat
day 11 : what's in your make up bag?
day 12 : your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
day 13 : a picture of your favorite band or artist
day 14 : a tv show that you're currently addicted to
day 15 : something that you don't leave the house without
day 16 : a picture of someone who inspires you
day 17 : how you hope your future will be
day 18 : 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/ same sex
day 19 : a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 20 : the meaning behind your blog name
day 21 : a photo of something that makes you happy
day 22 : a letter to someone who hurt you recently
day 23 : 15 facts about you
day 24 : a photo of something that means a lot to you
day 25 : who are you ?
day 26 : a photo of somewhere you want to go
day 27 : what kind of person attracts you?
day 28 : in this past month, what have you learn?
day 29 : something that you could never get tired of doing
day 30 : a photograph of yourself today + three good things that happened in the past 30 days
My friend tagged me in his note titled:" 30 Days Blogging Challenge"
Yes, I decide to take this challenge
This is not because I want to post all these topics because my friend challenge me
Is because I believe I can know more myself through this 30 Days blogging challenge
Stay tune, guys...
Lets begin!! =D
After joined two nights youth revival conference...
Through out this conference,
I can saw how the youth love Him so much and how much effort they put on spreading the gospel
Besides that, I also feel how strong their spirit and they are willing to take part in revival
I still remember before this conference
My friend asked me:" You accept Christian already?"
I said no... I just give some reasons like
I have to consider my family and I need a huge courage to leave my current religion..
Now I can said that all is rubbish.. just an excuse
When I made the decision, I never think about all those excuse
When they were kneeling
I had few seconds struggle whether I need too...
But I get the answer clearly, no...
Through out this conference,
I can saw how the youth love Him so much and how much effort they put on spreading the gospel
Besides that, I also feel how strong their spirit and they are willing to take part in revival
I still remember before this conference
My friend asked me:" You accept Christian already?"
I said no... I just give some reasons like
I have to consider my family and I need a huge courage to leave my current religion..
Now I can said that all is rubbish.. just an excuse
When I made the decision, I never think about all those excuse
When they were kneeling
I had few seconds struggle whether I need too...
But I get the answer clearly, no...
So many questions pop out on my mind..
I asked myself what the purpose I sang the song of praise and worship songs...
They sang the songs because they show their love and praise Him
But I just sang the song without any purpose
I still not know Him
I still remember long time ago
My friend pray with me..
Asking what zhi yi Him want to put on me..
I still havent get the answer
Yesterday the door just in front of me
But I just decided not to open it
Because I havent get the answer yet
I cant open it without knowing who is Him
I heard many stories how He love them
But so far never have one can inspired me
Because I dont know Him yet
I always tried to know him more
But it is not enough yet
My tears dropped out after I told the answer
Not because I regretted I didnt stand in front
Not because I made my friend disappointed, I know she will understand
Is because I still cant accept Him
Im not the one who have the courage to pass through crowds and stand in front of Him
Im not dare to do that because I not qualified yet, my spirit is not there yet
Sorry, I have to get the answer first
I can choose to accept Him full with faith on Him
or I accept Him but at the end I realized no purpose at all
Is no point...
Is no point...
That is just a ceremony that you said you accept Him
But heart is more important when you said out sincere: I accepted Him
"Take your time", He pleased to say
Friday, March 11, 2011
Suitable or not?
Recently my friend posted that she just found that she not suitable in accounting filed.
The first question came out from my mind is "Are you? Ya.. Perhaps you are"
Then, my turn, I asked myself:"Am I suitable to study accounting?"
Few days ago, my friend asked me again:" Do you want to change your course next term?"
I still can change course after one year, I still can study other course, is not too late...
Another question pop out in my mind:" Am I want to change course?"
No, my answer is "No"
From the first day I chose account I already make my final decision...
It wont change unless I really cant keep going anymore...
I admit that Im not like accounting but I also not hate it...
Ok, I didnt get good result in this field too...
But that's not mean that I have to change to another course to ensure I can score higher and easier
Or change to another course that I "think" I interested
What I can say is I just not put effort on it...
One thing you can say that Im afraid
Afraid for what?
I afraid when I change another course I need to adapt it again...
Each field have each difficult part...
No, actually I afraid to change and I will be regret at the end
I cant take risk to change my course...
Too risky for this bet.. I not dare to lose it
When people said they changed their field to work after graduated...
I can understand because that is not they want
One different is you change field before graduated or after...
I prefer after because from my opinion I have a certificate on my hand
I can do anything without worry...
When I fail, I still can go back...
At least, accounting is a professional job..
When you ask Am I suitable?
I can say no answer for suitable or not
We never suitable if you dont want it...
Since we born, we never ask ourselves are we suitable to born at here
Is it suitable for me to this school or what
However, when we grow up, we start think by ourselves and go our way...
One thing I realized is since I born
I never thought to change my way or ask myself suitable or not..
But I just keep walking until here without realizing
Is it good?
Yea, so far and so good...
I know what I want and I know what I interested...
Is not same...
There is no right or wrong
God had plan everything for us...
Faith always is a good answer...
You believe then you can..=)
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