Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 5: A picture of something I want to do before I die

This is what I want to do before I die
This is called sugar cube
Sugar Cube is a message that you wish to tell someone
Just write it on a piece of paper and put inside an envelope

I want to write it to my family, friend and the one I love
Of course, I will say how much I love them
And I not going to hide from them that I want to die soon
Because that's is the most selfish thing in my life
I can say:" I love you" to all of them
But if I hide it and they no chance to tell me what they wish to tell me
How cruel to them..>.<

The last moment in my life
I think have much more thing I wish to say
Perhaps something I dont dare to speak
Before I die, I will say it our no matter what.

I never tell my family especially my parent I love them
But I wish to tell them I really love them so much
I still remember when I arrived airport at Sandakan after half year I didnt go back
There were so many students who study far away came back to celebrate new year
When I saw my mum, my mum just put up my shoulder and help me to carry my luggage
And she told me when she's waiting me, she saw a girl just hug her mum when she saw her mum
I can imagined how touch the picture is...
But I just did nothing.. Should I felt guilty that time?
However, my mind clearly know that I love them...

Beside that, my best friends
Perhaps I dont have treat you all well but I hope my friends will still remember me after I die
June, perhaps I will go shopping with you
Because you always complain I wont shopping with you
And I promise that time I wont spoil your shopping mood..LOL

And the last one is the person that I love
Guess what I missed several chance to tell a guy that I like him since long time ago
Me, as a girl will think girl is not suppose to say out my love
I should wait the boy to say it to me
Beside that, huge courage is needed
But waiting, waiting and waiting... I missed the chance
I always just can have a crush on someone
I can only looking him quietly but I cant say out I like him
Perhaps when I'm going to die, I will say it out
How fool am I..LOL

Sugar Cube represent what I gonna to say to them
A long long stories from the beginning I know them until now
I will able to flash back every single moment I be with them
Happy, sad, angry etc
When I die, a smile will put on my face..=)

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